
svSite should provide a fully functional site with minimal work.

Although later on you may want to personalize the look (info), which will take time. That’s inevitable.

To get svSite running, follow the steps in the appropriate section.

Linux / bash

Installing dependencies

For this to work, you will need python3-dev including pip and a database (sqlite3 is default and easy, but slow). Things will be easier and better with virtualenv or pew and git, so probably get those too. You’ll also need libjpeg-dev and the dev version of Python because of pillow. You can install them with:

sudo apt-get install python3.4-dev sqlite3 git libjpeg-dev python-pip
sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev       # for postgres, only if you want that database
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client  # for mysql, only if you want that database

Make sure you use the python3.X-dev that matches your python version (rather than python3-dev). If there are problems, you might need these packages.

Now get the code. The easiest way is with git, replacing SITENAME:

git clone SITENAME

Enter the directory (cd SITENAME).

Starting a virtual environment is recommended (but optional), as it keeps this project’s Python packages separate from those of other projects. If you know how to do this, just do it your way. This is just one of the convenient ways:

sudo pip install -U pew
pew new --python=python3 sv

If you skip this step, everything will be installed system-wide, so you need to prepend sudo before any pip command. Also make sure you’re installing for Python 3.

Install the necessary Python dependencies through:

pip install -r dev/requires.pip
pip install psycopg2     # for postgres, only if you want that database
pip install mysqlclient  # for mysql, only if you want that database


If you want to run tests, build the documentation or do anything other than simply running the website, you should install (otherwise skip it):

pip install -r dev/requires_dev.pip  # optional


We need a database. SQLite is used by default, which you could replace now or later (see local settings) for a substantial performance gain. To create the structure and an administrator, type this and follow the steps:

python3 source/ migrate
python3 source/ createsuperuser

Static files

Then there are static files we need, which are handles by bower by default [1]. On Ubuntu, you can install bower using:

sudo apt-get install nodejs
npm install bower

After that, install the static files and connect them:

python3 source/ bower install
python3 source/ collectstatic --noinput

Starting the server

Then you can start the test-server. This is not done with the normal runserver command but with

python3 source/ runsslserver --settings=base.settings_development

We use this special command to use a secure connection, which is enforced by default. In this test mode, an unsigned certificate is used, so you might have to add a security exception.

You can replace the url and port. You can stop the server with ctrl+C.

Next time

To (re)start the server later, go to the correct directory and run:

pew workon sv  # only if you use virtualenv
python3 source/ runsslserver --settings=base.settings_development

This should allow for easy development and testing.


[1]If you don’t want to install node and bower, you can easily download the packages listed in dev/bower/json by hand and put them in env/bower. Make sure they have a dist subdirectory where the code lives. You still need to run the collectstatic command if you do this.

Automatic tests

There are only few automatic tests at this time, but more might be added. You are also more than welcome to add more yourself. The tests use py.test with a few addons, which are included in dev/requires_dev.pip. If you installed those packages, you can run the tests by simply typing py.test in the root directory. It could take a while (possibly half a minute).

Going live

Everything working and ready to launch the site for the world to see? Read Going live!